File systems determine how data is stored and retrieved. A file system keeps track of the following data items:
The primary job of the filesystem is to make sure that the data is always accessible and in tact. To maintain consistency, most modern filesystems use a log (remember databases!).
Common filesystems are EXT4, NTFS, APFS and ZFS
A distributed filesystem is a file system which is shared by being simultaneously mounted on multiple servers. Data in a distributed file system is partitioned and replicated across the network. Reads and writes can occur on any node.
Q: Windows and MacOSX already have network filesystems. Why do we need extra ones?
Network file systems, such as CIFS and NFS, are not distributed filesystems, because they rely on a centralized server to maintain consistency. The server becomes a SPOF and a performance bottleneck.
Need for large, distributed, highly fault tolerant file system to store and process the queries.
Seminal papers:
The Google Filesystem paper[1] kicked-off the Big Data revolution. Why did they need it though?
GFS Architecture
(chunk_handle, byte_range)
Writes on a GFS filesystem
The master does not keep a persistent record of chunk locations, but instead queries the chunk servers at startup and then is updated by periodic polling.
GFS is a journaled filesystem: all operations are added to a log first, then applied. Periodically, log compaction creates checkpoints. The log is replicated across nodes.
If a node fails:
Chunkservers use checksums to detect data corruption
The master maintains a chunk version number to distinguish between up-to-date and stale replicas (which missed some mutations while its chunkserver was down
GFS has a relaxed consistency model that supports highly distributed applications.
File region state after mutation
Consistent: if all clients will always see the same data,
regardless of which replicas they read from.
Defined: if the region is consistent and clients will see what
the mutation writes in its entirety.
HDFS started at Yahoo as an open source replica of the GFS paper, but since v2.0 it is different system.
Master | NameNode |
Chunkserver | DataNode |
operation log | journal |
chunk | block |
random file writes | append-only |
multiple writer/reader | single writer, multiple readers |
chunk: 64MB data, 32bit checksums | 128MB data, separate metadata file |
HDFS architecture diagram
The main difference with GFS is that HDFS is a user-space filesystem written in Java.
# List directory
$ hadoop fs ls /
Found 7 items
drwxr-xr-x - gousiosg sg 0 2017-10-04 08:23 /audioscrobbler
-rw-r--r-- 3 gousiosg sg 1215803135 2017-10-04 08:25 /ghtorrent-logs.txt
-rw-r--r-- 3 gousiosg sg 66773425 2017-10-04 08:23 /imdb.csv
-rw-r--r-- 3 gousiosg sg 198376 2017-10-23 12:39 /important-repos.csv
-rw-r--r-- 3 gousiosg sg 611300 2017-10-04 08:24 /odyssey.mb.txt
-rw-r--r-- 3 gousiosg sg 388422973 2017-10-03 15:40 /pullreqs.csv
# Create a new file
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=foobar bs=1M count=100
# Upload file
$ hadoop fs -put foobar /
-rw-r--r-- 3 gousiosg sg 104857600 2017-11-27 15:42 /foobar
HDFS looks like a UNIX filesystem, but does not offer the full set of operations.
This work is (c) 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - onwards by TU Delft and Georgios Gousios and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.