Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan

Assistant Professor, SERG, Software Technology, TU Delft


Email: b.ozkan_at_tudelft.nl

Office: 28.1.W660, TU Delft

As software systems have become ubiquitous, modern applications are designed to be highly concurrent, responsive, fault-tolerant, and distributed. The increased complexity of these systems makes it more challenging to produce correct software.

My research aims to produce rigorous and practical software tools for increasing the reliability of software systems: It brings the advantages of the rigorous approaches of formal methods together with the practical approaches of sofware engineering. To this end, my research spans formal methods, model checking, software testing, and debugging with a focus on concurrent and distributed systems. You can find more in my interview “Challenges of Concurrency” at the I/O Magazine, ICT Platform Nederland.

At TU Delft, I lead and take supervisory role in several research teams and projects:


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