I am an Assistant Professor in the Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). Before that, I was a postdoc researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), working with Rupak Majumdar. I got my PhD from Koç University under the supervision of Serdar Tasiran.
My research interests span model checking, software testing, and debugging with a focus on concurrent programs and distributed systems. More in my interview “Challenges of Concurrency” at the I/O Magazine, ICT Platform Nederland.
At TU Delft, I lead and take supervisory role in several research teams and projects:
I lead the Software Reliability for Concurrent and Distributed Systems research line, where my team develops automated software testing and reliability techniques for concurrent and distributed systems. Our research has been funded by personal academic research grants from the Amazon Research Award and Stellar Academic Research Grant.
I am the co-PI of the UBRI program at TU Delft (together with Annibale Panichella), funded by Ripple. Our lab focuses on testing and debugging of blockchain systems and their applications.
As part of the TU Delft-JetBrains ICAI lab, AI4SE, funded by JetBrains, I supervise in the research track on utilizing dynamic analysis to improve software development and quality.
Great news! 🚀 Congratulations to my students having two accepted papers at ISSTA/ECOOP’24!
- Congrats to Ege Berkay Gulcan and João Neto for their paper “Generalized Concurrency Testing Tool” in ISSTA/ECOOP tool track! Check out DSTest!
- Congrats to Bob Brockbernd for his paper “Understanding Concurrency Bugs in Real-World Programs with Kotlin Coroutines“ together with Nikita Koval and Arie van Deursen in ECOOP!
- We also invite the students in the research area to attend the Doctoral Symposium at ISSTA/ECOOP’24!
I gave a talk on “Testing Blockchain Implementations” at “UBRI Connect 2024” in September in Zurich. UBRI Connect brings scholars, researchers, and thought leaders in the UBRI network to showcase blockchain initiatives, share knowledge, and inspire future research.
We are looking forward to the ISSTA/ECOOP’24 Doctoral Symposium in Vienna! The ECOOP/ISSTA 2024 Doctoral Symposium will bring together doctoral students working in the area of software testing and analysis and give them the opportunity to present and discuss their research goals, methods, and preliminary results in a constructive and international atmosphere.
Serve(d) in the PCs of ASPLOS’24, OOPSLA’24, FBMC’24, VMCAI’24, NETYS’24, SEFM’24 and VSTTE’24.
Gave an invited talk at “VDS - Verification of Distributed Systems” workshop colocated with NETYS’24.
Organized ACM Student Research Competition together with Philipp Haller at Programming 2024.
Gave an invited talk at “Randomized Testing of Byzantine Fault Tolerant Algorithms”, presenting our OOPSLA’23 paper in the internal seminar of Aptos Labs.
Gave an invited keynote talk at SEFM’23 - The 21st International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, held in 6-10 November 2023, organized by Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Attended Dagstuhl Seminar 23441: Ensuring the Reliability and Robustness of Database Management Systems on October 29-November 03, 2023.
Great news! Our paper “Randomized Testing of Byzantine Fault Tolerant Algorithms” has received “Distinguished paper award” at OOPSLA’23! (pdf)
Happy to share that I’ve received “Stellar Academic Research Grant” for my research proposal on “Feedback-guided fault injection testing of blockchain systems”. Thanks to Stellar Development Foundation for supporting my research!
It was great to give a tutorial at the First Summer School on Distributed and Replicated Environments (DARE’23) (11-15 September), and Second Summer School on Security Testing and Verification (11-13 September), held in Brussels, Belgium.
Excited to share that I’ve received an “Amazon Research Award” for my proposal “Coverage-directed randomized testing of distributed systems”. More about the program on the Amazon Science website.
Congratulations to my Honour’s Programme students Levin Winter and Florena Buse for receiving Ripple’s Bug Bounty Award, working on our randomized testing method, ByzzFuzz for testing blockchain implementations. Very well done with the detection and source code fix of the bug! Levin Winter’s contribution to the bug fix is acknowledged in the release notes of XRP Ledger version 1.10.0.
The deadline for scholarship applications for Verification Mentoring Workshop (VMW)’23, we co-organize together with Ankush Desai, Eric Koskinen, Marijana Lazic, and Matteo Sammartino, is extended to May 5th! VMW’23 will be co-located with the Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification (CAV)’23 in Paris, France, in July 17-22, 2023.
[2023] Served in the PCs of VMCAI’23, MET’23, CAV’23, OOPSLA’23, and VSTTE’23.
[Apr’23] The call for papers for the ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop’23, we co-chair together with Kiko Fernandez-Reyes, is open. Submissions related to Erlang, Elixir, Lisp Flavored Erlang, and topics in functional, concurrent, and distributed programming are welcome and encouraged!
[March’23] Attended the Dagstuhl Seminar 23112: Unifying Formal Methods for Trustworthy Distributed Systems on March 12-15, 2023.
[Feb’23] Our paper Randomized Testing of Byzantine Fault Tolerant Algorithms with Levin N. Winter, Florena Buse, Daan de Graaf, and Klaus von Gleissenthall has been accepted to OOPSLA’23! (pdf)
[Jan’23] Our paper “Probabilistic Concurrency Testing for Weak Memory Programs” with Mingyu Gao and Soham Chakraborty appears at ASPLOS’23! (pdf)
[Jan’23] Invited talk at the SUMO (SUpervision of large MOdular and distributed systems) team seminar at Inria Rennes Bretagne-Atlantique research center and IRISA lab on January 12, 2023.
[Dec’22] Our paper “Evolutionary Approach for Concurrency Testing of Ripple Blockchain Consensus Algorithm” with Martijn van Meerten and Annibale Panichella appears at ICSE-SEIP’23.
[Dec’22] Attended the Dagstuhl Seminar 22492: Formal Methods and Distributed Computing: Stronger Together on December 4-9, 2022.
[Dec’22] Happy to interview with the I/O Magazine, ICT Platform Nederland about “Challenges of Concurrency”.
[Nov’22] Organized the third edition of the Alice and Eve Workshop for celebrating women in computing at TU Delft on November 18, 2022.
[Sep’22] PC-chaired the Erlang Workshop’22 that will be co-located with ICFP’22 together with Stavros Aronis.
[Jun’22] Chaired the Expert discussion track at the ECOOP’22 together with Manu Sridharan.
Served in the PCs of ESOP’22 and ICST’22, and ASE 2022 NIER.
Attended Dagstuhl Seminar 21442: Ensuring the Reliability and Robustness of Database Management Systems on November 1-4, 2021.
Invited talk at the FMT (Formal Methods and Tools) Group at the University of Twente, on July 1st, 2021.
Invited talk at the SEN Symposium 2021 (National Symposium Software Engineering in The Netherlands) on February 18th, 2021.
I am excited to start working as an Assistant Professor at the TU Delft Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) as of September’20.
I am happy to receive the Delft Technology Fellowship for outstanding female academic researchers.